Peter Wilkinson is a consultant cardiologist at the Ashford & St Peter’s Hospital Trust, which is located in a polluted area surround by busy roads such as the M25, A30 and near to Heathrow Airport.
Air pollution comes in a variety of ways such as gases, particles and chemicals. As healthcare workers we should be aware that air pollution increases risk of heart disease, lung disease, stroke and lung cancer for our patients and ourselves (WHO website). Long-term exposure to air pollution in the UK is estimated to be equivalent to 29,000 – 43,000 annual deaths for adults aged 30 and over.
We can all help with the following simple actions to make the air cleaner and the lives of our patients and our families healthier.
Use this website (www.cleanairhub.org.uk) to work out your personal contribution to pollution and how you can reduce it.
You could adopt these changes in your habits:
- Walk, wheel or cycle more, especially using the back streets away from polluting traffic. Use public transport. Fly less.
- Avoid unnecessary burning at home (e.g. in a stove or open fire) unless it is your only source of heat.
- If you rely on wood for your heating, use ‘ready to burn’ materials (e.g. dry wood or approved manufactured solid fuels) and try to ensure that your appliance is eco-design accredited.
- If you do have to drive, switch your engine off when you are stationary, and try to choose electric vehicles where you can.
Try out these changes, not just on the 20 June, but make this day the start to a long-term change in behaviour.