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Climate Health Spokesperson Network

The Climate Health Spokesperson Network is a collective of healthcare professionals willing to advocate for policies that mitigate and adapt to climate change and nature loss and protect or promote health and wellbeing.

The Climate Health Spokesperson Network is a network of healthcare professionals, including clinical, allied healthcare and public health from across UKHACC member organisations, who have received advocacy and media training to enable them to communicate on climate and health.

The network has a broad cross-section of experience, from leaders with a track record stretching back decades and including multiple national media appearances to rising stars. They have all taken on roles and responsibilities above and beyond their day jobs to help solve the climate and nature crisis, from sitting on committees to establishing new national networks.

Members of the network deliver advocacy by:

Contacting the network

Anyone interested in contacting the network to discuss opportunities, including media, should contact

The network includes:

Former President of the Faculty of Public Health and current President of the RSM Epidemiology and Public Health Section, Royal Society of Medicine; Chair of the Climate Action Network of the Association of Clinical Psychologists, Association of Clinical Psychologists; Chair Environmental Specialist Interest Group, Royal College of Emergency Medicine; Chair of the Representative Body, British Medical Association; Chief Sustainability Officer’s Clinical Fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners; 2 x Co-Chairs of our Sustainable Development Special Interest Group, Faculty of Public Health; Head of Clinical Products Management at Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust, Royal College of Nursingco-chair of the national Greener Practice Group, Royal College of General Practitioners; Climate lead for Wales, Royal College of General Practitioners; Clinical Lead – National Green Theatres Programme, Royal College of Anaesthetists; Professional Lead Infection Prevention and Control and a MBE, Royal College of Nursing; UK Professional Lead – Nursing Support Workers, Royal College of Nursing; Environment and Sustainability Working Group Lead, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; Leadership Fellow in Climate Change and Anaesthesia, Royal College of Anaesthetists; Joint Vice Chair, Barts Green Health, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health;  Medical Director of Plant Based Health Online, Plant-based Health Professionals; Associate Registrar for Climate and Sustainability, Royal College of Psychiatrists.