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Our strategic priorities

We bring together health professionals to advocate for just responses to the climate and ecological crisis, promote the health benefits that flow from those responses, and empower members and health professionals to make changes in their professional and personal lives to respond to the crisis.

Our strategic priorities are focused on coordinating action, providing leadership, and amplifying the voice of health professionals across the UK.

1) Engage and influence decision makers to strengthen policies responding to the climate and ecological crisis
  1. Work with our members, partners and other organisations to develop and deliver policy positions, influencing strategies and communications campaigns that focus on a just transition away from fossil fuels, limit warming to 1.5C and reduce health inequalities associated with climate change mitigation and adaptation
  2. Facilitating monthly meetings with our members’ policy and communications leads to identify opportunities for shared working and coordinated action
  3. Lobbying government and responding to consultations to ensure the health focus is represented in climate mitigation and adaptation responses and legislation
  4. Work with national and international groups to influence the development and focus of COP27
2) Emphasise that we are an Alliance and that we all, including all members, must work to respond to the climate and ecological crisis.
  1. Producing guidance and evidence of best practice in creating a governance structure and organisational culture that promotes sustainability
  2. Achieving a coordinated agreement across our members to declare a climate and ecological emergency and net zero commitment
  3. Delivering workshops and resources to support getting to net zero, including governance structures, leadership, and sustainable healthcare
  4. Developing key messages, toolkits and resources for members to use when promoting policy changes, cascading information and presenting to others
  5. Building a network of spokespeople that represents the diversity of our members
  6. Providing advance notice and awareness of relevant campaigns and opportunities to enable coordinated proactive responses
3) Raise awareness of the impact of the climate and ecological emergency on health
  1. Delivering and/or supporting events that focus on climate change, health inequalities and global justice
  2. Coordinating publication of a follow-up editorial in global health journals ahead of COP27, and establishing a network of health journals for climate action
  3. Developing and implementing a communications strategy that raises the profile and level of engagement of UKHACC and its’ members activities
4) Support sustainable health service delivery across the four UK nations
  1. Overseeing the delivery of a Health Foundation funded net zero surgery commission
  2. Facilitating communications and discussions with NHS leaders and our members
  3. Providing channels of communication to share messaging, content, resources and best practice in delivering a sustainable health service
  4. Responding to and commenting on consultations and reports from Greener NHS programmes
5) Establish the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change as an influential leader and voice for the health community on the climate and ecological emergency
  1. Reviewing our structure to work towards becoming an independent organisation through incorporation
  2. Raising further funding
  3. Encouraging greater use of volunteer members and external resource
  4. Growing our membership and expanding our diversity and reach
  5. Speaking at national and international conferences and events
  6. Publishing content and providing comment
  7. Supporting campaigns consistent with our key messages and policy priorities
  8. Engaging and partnering with other relevant organisations (e.g. Global Climate and Health Alliance, WHO, Lancet Countdown, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, etc.)