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Funding policy

UKHACC welcomes grants and funding that support the charity to deliver its purpose of promoting for the public benefit the conservation of the physical and natural environment and the advancement of health

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change is a non-profit charitable incorporated organisation. UKHACC welcomes grants and funding that support the charity to deliver its purpose of promoting for the public benefit the conservation of the physical and natural environment and the advancement of health by: 


UKHACC will not accept grants or funding from organisations whose values are incompatible with the protection of environmental and human health. This includes companies involved in the production of fossil fuels, tobacco, alcohol and other addictive substances, weapons and other chemicals, products or services that are harmful to health and the environment.

UKHACC will not accept funding from organisations with investments in fossil fuels, unless a clear strategy and targets for divestment by 2040 at the latest has been put in place with regular progress reporting available for scrutiny.

UKHACC will not accept funding for campaigns or projects where there is a direct conflict of interest between the work and the activities of the funder. For example, for campaigns and projects specifically focused on fossil fuels, we will only accept funding from organisations with no investments in fossil fuels or links with fossil fuel companies.

Other considerations

UKHACC requests funders to provide evidence of audited net zero targets.

Decisions on acceptance of funds will be made on a case by case basis with approval of the trustees. This policy will be reviewed annually by the trustees and updated as necessary.