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Nine Things You Can Do

We worked with experts at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London, the Institute of Global Health Innovation, and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust on the 9 key things you can do to boost human health and combat climate change Experts at

All life on our planet is interconnected, so what’s good for your health is often good for the planet’s health too. Big changes are needed to tackle the climate and ecological crises and make our planet healthier for us all. Each one of us can contribute to these changes and make a difference by working together in our communities and beyond.

Nine things you can do for your health and the planet

1. Use your voice in the community
2. Eat a more plant-based, balance diet
3. Walk and cycle more, if you can
4. Make your home easier to heat
5. Bring nature into your home
6. Enjoy and protect natural spaces
7. Be a more conscious consumer
8. Keep learning and be prepared
9. Talk to others