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Endorsement policy

The policy sets out the criteria the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) will use in making a decision once a request for endorsement is received.

Organisations seeking UKHACC endorsement of content should submit the endorsement request form via the button above. Our endorsement policy is outlined below.

UKHACC representatives
When a UKHACC representative serves on a working group of any kind, and the working group belongs to another organisation (such as NHS England or a Royal College), the UKHACC representative’s presence in itself will not act as endorsement of the work. Such individuals will be termed as ‘UKHACC Representatives’, and they should feedback regularly to the trustees of UKHACC. 

The UKHACC name or logo is not used without express permission from the UKHACC trustees. 

Intellectual property
The UKHACC logo is intellectual property of the UKHACC, and UKHACC trustees will decide when it can be used by another organisation.

Request for repeat or extension of a previously endorsed product
Some endorsement requests seek re-endorsement if the activity has previously been endorsed and has since been updated or amended. In such instances, the request must be treated as a new endorsement request. UKHACC policy and stance may have changed since the initial endorsement so it must be re-assessed in full. It is possible that something previously endorsed may be declined upon requesting re-endorsement. 

Duration of endorsement
Applications for UKHACC endorsement which are successful will only be valid for three years, except for those activities which are co-authored. Once this time period has expired, we will remove any link to the activity from our website and the approval for continued use of the UKHACC logo or statement will be withdrawn and therefore will be expected to be removed from any new, re-printed or re-shared versions of the activity. If, after this time period, the original applicant would like to renew their UKHACC endorsement for the original activity, they will need to go through the usual process of seeking UKHACC endorsement. 

The request will initially be reviewed by the director of UKHACC. If the director thinks endorsement is a possibility, the director will discuss it with the chair. If the chair agrees then the endorsement will be considered by the trustees, who will make the final decision.

The table below contains some example principles which would indicate a successful or unsuccessful application for UKHACC endorsement. This list is not exhaustive, and applications may be accepted or rejected for reasons outside of the list below. 

There are 4 possible outcomes; co-authored, UKHACC logo approved for use, supporting statement and support declined. In most cases a simple statement of support is sufficient to demonstrate the UKHACC’s support. 

Level 1: Co-authored 

Usually used for partnership projects. The UKHACC will have been fully involved in the production of the work. 

The UKHACC supports the work or statement as: 

Outcome: The UKHACC logo and branding will be used, and UKHACC will often be involved in promoting the work. 

Level 2: Logo approved for use 

Although not directly involved in production, the UKHACC supports the work or statement as: 

Outcome: The UKHACC logo will be provided. 

Level 3: Supporting statement provided but logo cannot be used 

UKHACC partially supports the work or statement but, either: 

Outcome: The UKHACC logo will not be used. A supportive statement could be offered and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

Level 4: Declined 

UKHACC does not support the work or statement, or only supports part of the work. 

Outcome: The UKHACC logo will not be used. No supporting statement will be offered.