Our commitments provide a list of actions that organisations can take. It recognises the wide diversity there is among our membership, and that different organisations are on different stages of the journey, each with their own individual priorities.
The commitments provide a set of guiding principles that organisations can aspire to achieve, adapting as required to suit individual circumstances.

Declare that the climate emergency is a health emergency

Publish a plan for your organisation to get to net zero

Campaign on mitigating and adapting to the planetary crisis

Embed sustainability in governance, structure and culture

Develop a plan for sustainability in your specialist area

Educate members on the links between climate and health

Disinvest from fossil fuels and sign the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty

Acknowledge the link between climate change and inequalities

Develop and implement a travel policy for members and staff

Prioritise plant-based and sustainably sourced food

Switch to a green bank and encourage members to switch