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In Conversation with Lord Stevens

In Conversation with Lord Stevens: Architect of the Greener NHS Plan on the challenges of health and climate change

4-5.30 pm Wednesday 8 May 2024

Hybrid: In person at BMA House, London (limited capacity) or online

Simon Stevens was the Chief Executive of NHS England from 2014-2021 and launched the Greener NHS plan to deliver a ‘net zero’ health service in 2020. Launching the plan, he said “The burden of coronavirus has been exacerbated and amplified by wider, deep-seated social, economic and health concerns. The right response is therefore not to duck or defer action on these longer-term challenges … It is to confront them head-on. One of the most significant is the climate emergency, which is also a health emergency. Unabated it will disrupt care, and affect patients and the public at every stage of our lives. With poor environmental health contributing to major diseases, including cardiac problems, asthma and cancer, our efforts must be accelerated.  We therefore make no apologies for pushing for progress in this area while still continuing to confront coronavirus.”

During this event, Richard Smith, Chair of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, will question Lord Stevens on climate change and health, getting the NHS to net zero, and more. Questions will also be invited from the audience.