Clean Air Specialist, Dr Malcolm White presents the outcomes of a pilot study with a group of health professionals by Global Action Plan, Imperial College, and UK Health Alliance on Climate Change. After presenting the outcomes there’ll be an opportunity to discuss how the health community can now take forward the recommendations on communicating the important message about air pollution to their patients. Director of Global Action Plan Larissa Lockwood also participated in the discussion.
Welcome and introductions
Background on health impacts of air pollution and the UK context
The National GP project – briefly how it ran, then discussion of findings
The recommendations following the project.
Discussion: An opportunity for everyone to get involved in a discussion on how to deliver on the recommendations, what organisations are already doing to embed air pollution information and how, collectively, we can push for greater inclusion.
Outcomes and actions
Key messages from the session were:
· Health professionals have an important role in providing patients with information about air pollution
· Only basic training is required to help health professionals feel confident enough to advise patients how to protect their health from air pollution
· Resources have been developed by health professionals for health professionals to aid these conversations: Clean Air Knowledge Hub for the Health Sector (actionforcleanair.org.uk)
· Having these conversations works – following GP advice patients changed their behaviour on air pollution
· We now need these resources to be shared by all health organisations to enable health professionals to talk to patients about air pollution – *Action for all to do*
· Let’s look for ways to embed air pollution into medical curricula and CPD
Please email Malcolm if are interested in connecting with Global Action Plan and this work: malcolm.white@globalactionplan.org.uk