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10th March 2023

Health leaders call on health secretary to act on environmental and health crisis

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change has joined with the Doctors Association UK and a number of other health organisations and individuals to call on the Health Secretary to take decisive action on the environmental and health crisis.

In an open letter to Steve Barclay, the health professionals say it is their duty to speak out when human health and wellbeing is at risk and that they are frightened about what they are facing in the future: “As NHS staff, we are frightened of what we’re faced with in an already suffering health and social care system – but we also have hope, because so many of the solutions to the environmental crisis will improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities.”

The letter highlights the need for urgent action with less than a decade left to make the changes that are needed to prevent irreversible tipping points. The health workers call on the Health Secretary and colleagues across the health and social care system to support the Climate and Ecology Bill to ensure there is a joined up, science-led action plan in place with UK policy aligned with its agreed international climate and biodiversity targets.

The full text of the letter can be viewed via the link below. Health organisations and individuals wishing to endorse the letter are invited to do so.