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12th June 2024

House of Lords briefing on the essential links between health, climate change and nature

On 22 April, UKHACC joined with Lancet Countdown, BMA and RCGP to brief parliamentarians on the essential links between health, climate change and the environment

Climate change and nature loss pose clear risks to physical and mental health yet public awareness of the impacts on human health is low.  A health-centred response to the climate and nature crises, with greater linkage between climate and health policies could lead to multiple co-benefits and cost savings. 

Peers for the Planet (P4P) partnered with the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) for this briefing session at the House of Lords on 22 April.

The WHO has called the Paris Agreement “a fundamental public health agreement, potentially the most important public health agreement of the century”. This session provided an overview of the impacts of extreme weather and degradation of nature on human health, and explored the numerous opportunities to deliver policies which will improve health, whilst also supporting a low carbon, nature positive future.

The session was chaired by The Rt. Hon. The Lord Crisp KCB and we were grateful to be joined by a panel of expert speakers from across academia and the medical sector:

The presentations were followed by a Q&A discussion with peers and MPs in attendance. We hope to follow up after the general election to deliver more in depth sessions on specific areas of work.