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25th July 2024

Letter to the Prime Minister

UKHACC Chair, Richard Smith has written to the Prime Minister to congratulate him on his appointment at a critical moment in our nation’s history with the opportunity to deliver a better, fairer, and healthier society resilient to the threats of climate change.

Dear Prime Minister,

I write on behalf of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) to congratulate you on your election victory and wish you and your government well as you implement new bills and policies over the months and years ahead.

The UKHACC is an alliance of 48 health organisations representing more than one million health professionals working across the UK. We are deeply concerned about the impact the climate and ecological emergency is having on our health and our health service. 

Your leadership in delivering the changes needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect health, and restore our natural environment comes at a critical moment in our nation’s history and the opportunity to deliver a better, fairer, and healthier society resilient to the threats of climate change.

We have been encouraged by many of your manifesto commitments to accelerate the transition to clean energy and net zero, warmer homes, improved public transport, protecting nature, supporting farmers, and building an NHS fit for the future, which resonate with the five priorities we laid out in our manifesto for the new government:

Health and the environment are impacted across all of these areas of work and it is important that different departments of government maximise the opportunities and benefits of cross-departmental working on these issues. For example, urban planning infrastructure with a focus on warmer homes and well-insulated public buildings, active transport routes, and access to green space have the potential to bring about multiple health benefits, limit environmental harm, and help to deliver the vision to reduce NHS waiting times, prevent ill health and improve mental health. 

We were disappointed there was no mention of clean air, nature and biodiversity in the King’s speech. Air pollution is among the greatest environmental determinants of health, and the challenges of climate change, air pollution and the restoration of nature must be tackled simultaneously if the UK is to meet its net zero emissions targets. Climate change and nature loss are inextricably linked and it is important that the combined threat is tackled with a joined up approach that delivers actions in line with the latest science. 

Over the next few months, we plan to publish three evidence-based reports on 1) the energy transition, 2) food systems, and 3) adaptation that lay out actions that will protect and promote better health and wellbeing, and help to deliver a more resilient health service fit for the future.

We will be writing to your colleagues across different departments of government to outline what we believe to be the priority areas of focus to protect health and the environment and to encourage cross-departmental working when needed. 

As an alliance of health leaders working across UK health organisations, we welcome any opportunity to provide expertise and guidance to your government and to work together to realise the health benefits of tackling climate change and restoring nature.

Kind regards

Richard Smith CBE FMedSci

Chair, UK Health Alliance on Climate Change