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27th June 2023

Major conditions call for evidence

Air pollution, climate change and access to nature must be considered in the UK Government’s strategy for tackling the six major conditions

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change has called on the UK Government to include air pollution, climate change and lack of access to nature as risk factors to consider in tackling the six major conditions.

The call comes in response to a government consultation on how to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage the six major groups of health conditions that most affect the population in England. These are:

The call for evidence names tobacco, alcohol, physical activity and diet-related risk factors. We highlight that air pollution, climate change and access to nature are also critical risk factors that need to be addressed.

Many of the causes and consequences of climate change and nature loss – heat, pollution, diet, lack of access to nature – are harmful to human health at all stages of life. The impacts span multiple conditions including the six major conditions being considered in this call for evidence.

Interventions that seek to reduce air pollution, improve access to nature, and promote healthy, plant-based diets would prevent ill health, reduce the burden on health systems, and contribute to achieving the aims of the government’s Levelling Up Bill, Net Zero strategy and Health and Care Act 2022.