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13th December 2023

New guidance on education for sustainable healthcare for allied health professions is welcome

The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change welcomes new guidance on education for sustainable healthcare within UK pre-registration curricula for allied health professions.

Education for sustainable healthcare within UK pre-registration curricula for allied health professions has been published by the Council of Deans for Health with the backing of the Chief Allied Health Professional Officers of the four UK nations.

Allied health professionals (AHPs) are the third largest workforce in the NHS and are integral in the response to climate change. The guidance was developed in response to a request by AHP bodies and academics from higher education institutions HEIs to support the incorporation of education for sustainable healthcare within curricula, and in reviewing and developing academic programmes for AHPs. 

UKHACC Director, Elaine Mulcahy, said, “This new guidance sets the groundwork for the next generation of health and care professionals. It will support future AHPs to understand the relationship between health and the environment, to deliver sustainable healthcare, and be advocates for environmental sustainability.”

In their foreword, the four CAHPOs write, “Professional bodies and regulators have a role in setting and monitoring standards, and therefore have a significant contribution to make. We urge leaders everywhere within AHP education (including practice-based learning), professional practice and regulation to support and enable the implementation of education for sustainable healthcare. The current and future learners expect nothing less of us, and the health of our planet and future generations depends on it.”