Ahead of COP30 in Brazil later this year, the Presidencies of COP28, COP29, and COP30 have issued a joint statement calling 2025 a milestone year – ten years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement and halfway through this critical decade for course correction – and a reminder that the COP30 meeting constitutes a critical junction to urgently scale up and accelerate both ambition and implementation to secure a livable planet for generations to come. They say that global average temperatures exceeding the 1.5C threshold in 2024 should serve as a powerful reminder of the narrowing window of opportunity for achieving climate-resilient development for all and to further accelerate the implementation of ambitious climate action so that it delivers benefits to all and leaves no one behind. The first months of 2025 have seen the US withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and major oil companies announcing plans to scale back investment in renewables while scaling up fossil fuel investments. It is critical that nations attending COP30 demonstrate the cooperation and commitment needed to ensure 2025 ends as a milestone year marked by overcoming setbacks and a true global shift towards a fair, clean, fossil free future.
News and updates
Seventh carbon budget
In the UK, the Climate Change Committee which advises the government on policies to achieve its legally binding target for net zero emissions by 2050, recently published its seventh carbon budget. The report charts a balanced pathway across different sectors – energy, homes, transport, food, nature – over the next 15 years to keep emissions reductions on track. The UKHACC analysis highlights how the pathway presented by the CCC would deliver a healthier society with cleaner air, warmer homes, better diets, more active travel, and greater energy security.
Petrol and diesel phase out
UKHACC joined with 550 health organisations and individuals in a letter to the President of the European Commission to campaign for enforcement of the 2035 target and not to weaken current CO2 fleet targets following pressure from vehicle manufacturers. The UK government has also been consulting on the phase out of petrol and diesel cars by 2030. In a response to this, we have highlighted the significant health and economic benefits this would deliver.
Biodiversity conference agreement reached
Following a breakdown in talks at the UN Biodiversity Conference – COP16 – in Columbia in October 2024, talks resumed and concluded in Rome last month with agreement to mobilising funding to close the $200bn per year biodiversity funding gap. An international dialogue of ministers of environment and finance from developing and developed countries has been established to work out how the finance will be delivered against a backdrop of the world’s largest biodiversity donor, the US, withdrawing most of its nature funding in a foreign aid freeze and many European countries cutting their aid budgets. Read our summary here.
Health workers say cold homes increasing hospital admissions
A survey of more than 2,000 health workers conducted by Medact and Warm this Winter has found that almost three-quarters of health workers believe poor-quality housing is worsening chronic health conditions or delays treatment of them, and two-thirds see children experiencing respiratory problems caused or worsened by mould or damp at least once a month. Forty-five percent say they have sent patients home knowing their housing situation would make them ill again.
Have your say
Stop polluting the air we breathe
Add your voice to the call for action from the health community to stop polluting the air we breathe, prevent disease and save lives. The call is being coordinated by WHO and aimed at world leaders and decision makers to ensure a future with clean air for all. Add your voice and sign here.
Oil and gas consultation
The UK Government has opened a consultation on Building the North Sea’s Energy Future. The consultation aims to support the delivery of the government’s commitment not to issue new oil and gas exploration licences, to influence its approach to new oil and gas developments, and to ensure there is a proper plan in place for a transition to clean energy. This moment presents a huge opportunity to influence the government’s approach to transition away from oil and gas to clean energy. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2025.
Fuel poverty strategy
As part of the Warm Homes Plan, the UK government is currently seeking views on an updated fuel strategy regarding fuel poverty and support for vulnerable households. The consultation closes on 4 April 2025.
Opportunities/Get involved
A new Chair for UKHACC
The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change is on the lookout for a new Chair to take on the role when our current Chair, Richard Smith, steps down in September. The ideal person will have a passion for health and be motivated by action to protect people from the threat of climate change and the destruction of nature. Does that sound like you or someone you know? Check out the advert here and Richard Smith’s blog about his time in the job here.
Share your pics of car spreading
Clean Cities have launched a new campaign to tackle car spreading taking over our cities. Cars have been getting wider by about 1cm every two years and more than half of new cars in the UK are now too big for urban parking spaces. Bigger cars burn more fuel and are more lethal in collisions with people. Share your photos of carspreading on social media with the hashtag #carspreading and tag clean cities campaign. Find out more.
Show the Love
We’re working with The Climate Coalition to transform our shared love for people, climate and nature into heartfelt, positive action. Get involved by sharing a photo of a place you love or a selfie with your hands forming a heart shape. Every photo will become part of a giant collaborative artwork celebrating the places we cherish most and want to protect. Find out more.
Climate Impact Awards
The Wellcome Trust is seeking applications from interdisciplinary teams to deliver short-term, high-impact projects that maximise policy outcomes and make the health effects of climate change visible. The funding amount is up to £2.5m. Deadline for submissions is 30 April. Find out more.
BMJ Leader: Call for papers
BMJ Leader is seeking submissions for a topic collection on planetary health leadership. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2025. Find out more.
Events and courses
Mums for lungs: Exposing diesel
24 March 2025 (20.00) or 28 March 2025 (12.30) | Online
Ten years since the dieselgate scandal, new analysis by Mum’s for Lungs shows a shocking number of the most pollution diesel cars are still on the roads. Join this discussion on the detail behind M4L analysis and what can be done to ensure policymakers accelerate the process of phasing out diesel. Register here.
WHO second global conference on air pollution and health
25-27 March 2025 | In person and online
Join global, national and local leaders and experts to catalyse evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions for cleaner air, accelerated energy access and better global health. Find out more.
Addressing Climate Emotions: Toolkit for Educators
25 March 2025, 18.30 (US Eastern Time) | Online
The Climate Mental Health Network and National Environmental Education Foundation is launching the first evidence-based, teacher tested resources for middle school educators to address the emotional impacts of climate change. Find out more.
Faculty of Climate Health Conference: Connecting people for action on climate change
9 May 2025, 9.00-17.00 | University College London
Building capacity for climate action and advocacy, this conference will hear from leaders and peers with time for discussion, making connections, sharing ideas, and celebrating the innovative work already going on. Also accepting abstract submissions. Find out more.
Global Climate and Health Summit
16-17 July 2025 | QEII Centre, London (free event)
This summit organised by The Physiological Society and supported by Wellcome will convene researchers, policymakers and climate experts to tackle the health challenges posed by climate change. The summit is free to attend with travel support available to early career researchers, and enhanced support for those in low- and middle-income countries. Find out more.
CPDMatch: Climate change education for the healthcare industry
CPDmatch is a not-for-profit website for healthcare professionals, employing organisations and supplier industries to find the educational resources required to deliver net zero sustainable healthcare and become confident in communicating and inspiring others to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. More information is available here.
New resources
Gen Z Zine
A group of young climate leaders have created a ‘zine’ for youth about climate emotions and wellness with a collection of perspectives and tools to support other climate-concerned youth around the emotional impacts of the climate crisis and healthy ways to respond. Check it out.
Time to talk public health
This panel survey conducted by Public Health Wales asked people what impact access to health services, the environment, access to nature, transport and travel networks, and other factors influences their health. Check it out.
Public perceptions of the environmental impacts of the UK healthcare system
This report presented the findings of 12 focus groups with 82 members of the UK public to explore public perspectives on the environmental impacts associated with the NHS. Check it out.
Realising the potential of Scotland’s natural health service in practice
This report provides an overview of the development and impact of Scotland’s pilot Green Health Partnerships which brought together health, environment and other sectors to raise awareness of green health, facilitate opportunities, and build capacity across four areas in Scotland. It sets out next steps for building on this foundation to embed Scotland’s natural health service in everyday aspects of the national health service. Check it out.
Health NDCs 3.0 Embedding health in national climate plans for 2035
This report by the Global Climate and Health Alliance analyses health in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted to the UNFCC and finds that while governments are giving greater priority to health in national climate plans, gaps remain on whole-of-economy emissions reductions, health metrics, financial commitments and transparency. Find out more.
Advancing and integrating climate change and health policies
The study examining the integration of climate and health policies in the UK found that despite widespread acknowledgement of the growing significance of climate change impacts on human health, practical policy integration remains limited due to siloed decision making, resource constraints, and short-term thinking, among other issues. A number of opportunities for improvement are identified. The UK report will form part of a broader global report involving six geographies that will be launched later this month. Download the report.
Articles, podcasts and videos
We’ve pulled together a list of recent articles, podcasts and videos worth reading, watching, listening and sharing.
- This two-part interview with Pat Hart, a GP sent to prison for a year for climate activism, is a powerful read
- This report from the Mayor of London presents positive findings for air quality improvements in London one year since the ULEZ expansion
- This article reports on new research that shows half of the world’s climate-heating carbon emissions come from fossil fuels produced by just 36 companies
- Climate Visuals has launched a new image collection of impacts showcasing the impacts of energy and the cost of living crises, alongside the solutions being put into practice by communities in Europe. The collection is freely available for non-profit, educational and editorial use.
- This review by the Pathfinder Initiative found significant potential health and livelihood benefits from tree-based environmental solutions in low- and middle-income countries.
- This blog shares some insights to the green surgery landscape in the Midlands UK
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If you’ve got information about resources, campaigns, or events you would like to be included in the next edition, please send them to info@ukhealthalliance.org. The next bulletin will be published on 18 April 2025.