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15th September 2023

UKHACC Bulletin September 2023

Monthly edition of the UKHACC bulletin with latest news, opportunities to get involved and have your say, events and reports

The recent meeting of world leaders at the G20 summit in India had envisioned a “One Earth, One Family, One Future” theme based on the philosophy of living in harmony with nature and the 20 countries have pledged to ensure sustainable and inclusive development for a green future. The G20 nations have also committed to supporting the development of climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems through transformative action on climate and health. However, there was no consensus on phasing out fossil fuels. As health professionals, we must unitedly continue to advocate for climate action to ensure that these promises are delivered.

Correction: There was a typo in our August bulletin. The total number of deaths in Europe due to air pollution is over 350,000 and not 150,000 – ‘’In June this year, it was reported that air pollution is now the largest environmental cause of mortality in Europe, contributing to over 350,000 deaths.’’


News and updates

SAVE THE DATE: UKHACC Biodiversity, Climate Change and Health Policy Report 

The UKHACC is launching a policy report on biodiversity, climate change and health. It is a two-part policy report focusing on terrestrial and marine ecosystems and has seven recommendations targeted at the UK Government and other relevant institutions. The report can be viewed on 29 September on our webpage. 

Good Medical Practice

The GMC recently published an updated version of the Good Medical Practice which sets standards of practice for doctors. We felt the inclusion of sustainability was weak and have written to the GMC to express our concern. We have also published this opinion piece in BMJ


Have your say

Write to your MPs to support the world’s most vulnerable communities

The Climate Coalition has launched a new action to email your MPs to urge the Government to continue to support people living in poverty who are experiencing the worst impacts of the climate crisis. You can write to your MP here. 

Open letter to COP28 President

An open letter to the COP28 President, coordinated by the Global Air Fund,  that urges him to deliver a transformative agenda, to take steps to reduce air pollution and deliver win-wins for climate, public health and economies. The letter has been signed by 72 NGOs, civil society organisations and health professionals around the world. Add your organisation’s name here if you wish to support it.

ClientEarth petition to the UK government

ClientEarth is seeking signatures for action to tell the UK government that new fossil fuel developments are incompatible with net zero emissions by 2050. You can add your support here.

Human Rights Bill (Scotland): Right to a healthy environmentThe Scottish Government has opened a consultation on a Human Rights Bill, which will incorporate a range of rights into Scots law for the first time. One of the proposals being considered is the inclusion of the right to a healthy environment. Inclusion in the Bill would place the environment at the heart of government decisions and help to deliver a safer climate, healthier ecosystems, and lower pollution. The consultation closes on 5 October 2023. Have your say here.


Opportunities/Get involved

Join the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels march 

As world leaders discuss climate action at the United Nations in New York, people on every continent will join the largest-ever globally coordinated action from 15 to 17 September to demand that governments end fossil fuels. More information and event locations near you in the UK can be found here.


Courses and Events


OpenWHO: Air pollution and health: an introduction for health workers

A new course by the WHO would help all health workers gain knowledge and skills to protect individuals and communities from air pollution exposure. This course examines the main health impacts of air pollution and which roles health workers can play to protect and promote people’s health. More information and enrollment options are available here. 

EVENTS: Internal

In Conversation with Baroness Brown, Chair of the Adaptation Committee

On 7 September, Fiona Godlee, former BMJ editor and UKHACC ambassador, interviewed Baroness Brown, Chair of the Adaptation Committee on Climate Change. In their conversation, they discussed the lack of progress in climate adaptation, what needs to happen now and what role the health sector can play in influencing policy and change. Watch the recording here.

10 October 2023 | BMA House, London and Online [Hybrid event]

Net Zero Clinical Care Conference

More than 1600 people have registered to join the inaugural Net Zero Clinical Care conference from UKHACC and BMJ on 10 October. The programme is available to view on the conference website. Online registration remains open and a waiting list is in place for in-person attendance. A new podcast series by the BMJ has also been launched which focuses on sustainable health care, called ‘Planet Centred Care’ (see under podcasts below).

12 October 2023 12.00-13.00 | Online

Schwartz Round: Health in the Climate and Ecological Emergency

UKHACC has joined with the Point of Care Foundation to host an online Schwartz Round which will engage and reflect with healthcare staff about their place and emotions in the climate and ecological emergency in order to build engagement and capacity for change. Sign up here.

EVENTS: External

27 September 2023 | Royal Society of Medicine London | Free for NHS workers

Delivering a Net Zero NHS, Green Futures & Plans

Govconnect is organising an inaugural conference on achieving the Net Zero NHS and is offering free tickets to NHS staff to attend the conference. The full conference agenda can be viewed here and registration information can be found here.  If you are from the NHS then please use the code: NZ23NHS when you register. If NOT NHS please contact or

4 October 2023 18.00-19.00 | Online (Free)

President’s Webinar: Climate Change and Sustainability in Healthcare

This Royal College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow webinar will provide practical hints and tips on how to design and deliver more environmentally sustainable healthcare. There will also be a Trainee Sustainable Healthcare Competition for which the deadline for abstract submission is 20 September. Further information and registration link can be found here. 

21-22 October 2023 | Hybrid – New York, USA

Climate and Health Conference 2023

The conference is being organised to bring attention to the importance of climate change from a human health standpoint and build connections within the health community prior to COP28. Further details can be found here. 

Multiple dates

Greening transport in your area

Low Traffic Future Alliance is running a series of workshops in Birmingham, Bristol, York, London and Manchester to provide information on how to get involved in the activity to press for a low-traffic future in your area, meet others with similar interests, and engage with your council. Find out more here.


New resources

Report: Mitigating Methane by the Global Climate and Health Alliance 

GCHA has launched comprehensive reports on the correlation between methane emissions and public health. The reports focus on methane emissions from the food and agriculture, energy and waste sectors and provide guidance on mitigation measures. These reports can be viewed here along with an engaging short video that can help you learn more about methane and health.  

Report: 30×30 in England 2023 Progress Report by the Wildlife and Countryside LinkThe 2023 Annual Progress Report that analyses the Government’s progress towards achieving its commitment to deliver 30% of land and sea well-protected for nature by 2030 shows an alarming lack of progress. The full report can be viewed here along with a call to action where members of the public can add their names to ask political leaders to make 5 General Election pledges to save nature.


Articles, podcasts and videos

We’ve pulled together a list of recent articles, podcasts and videos worth reading, watching, listening and sharing.


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If you’ve got information about resources, campaigns, or events you would like to be included in the next edition, please send them to The next bulletin will be published on 13 October 2023.