The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change has published an evidence-based policy report titled, A Just Energy Transition for the Good of Health.
The report outlines the devastating health consequences of the UK’s current dependency on fossil fuels, which are the main driver of climate change and air pollution, and are destructive to the natural environment on which all life depends. It puts forward six recommendations for the governments of the UK to deliver a cleaner energy system and a better, fairer and healthier society:
– End UK dependency on oil and gas
– Revise and strengthen the 2050 net zero strategy
– Invest in people to meet the demand for green jobs
– Improve infrastructure and access for active travel and clean transport
– Enable a low-carbon, climate-resilient health service
– Demonstrate leadership by delivering domestically and meeting international obligations
News and updates
Health leaders voice concern over reallocation of nature restoration fund
The Chair of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change and President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh have written to the Scottish Government expressing concern about the reallocation of funding from the Nature Restoration Fund to cover the pay offer to local government employees. Read the letter here.
GMC responds to our questions on guidance for doctors taking part in protests
Following the publication of the GMC guidance for doctors taking part in protests or other types of activism, the chair of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change wrote to the Chair of GMC, with some observations and questions. The GMC has responded to these questions, which can be read here.
Letter to parliamentarians supporting the Climate and Nature Bill
The open letter signed by 1,156 scientists and health professionals calling for a Climate and Nature Bill was delivered to the Houses of Parliament on Monday 2 September. Delivery of the letter was timed to influence the Private Members’ Bill ballot which takes place from 5 September to 16 October when 20 MPs will present their ballot bills of choice. It calls on MPs to update legislation by fast-tracking the Climate and Nature Bill.
New government to not defend the Rosebank court case
Following the approval of the Rosebank field by the previous government in September 2023, a legal challenge was launched on the basis the government had not taken into account emissions produced from the burning of oil and gas produced by the field when making their assessment. The new government last week announced it would not defend the decision in court. The case is expected to be heard in September this year as Equinor is still defending. If the challenge is successful, the government will need to reconsider approval of the licence for Rosebank. You can support the case here.
Have your say
Call for Evidence: Fourth health and climate adaptation report
The UKHSA and NHS England have been commissioned by Defra to jointly provide the Government with a Fourth Health and Climate Adaptation Report. They have opened a call for evidence and the deadline for submissions is 27 September. There is an option to submit case studies as well. More information is available here.
Email your MP: Stop Burning Trees
In the UK burning trees (biofuels) is classified as renewable. Burning trees is highly polluting and involves deforestation of primary forests, yet legislative loopholes have enabled this biomass to be classified as renewable. We need forest biomass to be removed from the renewables list. Please add your voice in parliament to Slash Emissions, Not Trees for a future where we subsidise genuine renewable energy for a cleaner and sustainable future.
Consultation: COP29 Special Report on Climate Change and Health
This consultation by the World Health Organisation aims to bring together insights from the health community to prepare the COP29 special report. You can add your suggestions and comments to this working draft by 23 September 2024.
Opportunities/Get involved
Call for submissions: Special Issue on Climate Change and Health
Oxford Open Climate Change is inviting submissions for a new special collection “Health in a Changing Climate”. Whether your research targets local health clinics or transnational health policies, investigates the impacts of climate change on health, or looks at interventions around these impacts, various research scopes and scales, submissions are welcome. Submissions from early-career researchers, research targeting regions most affected by climate change and ‘outside-the-box’ scholarly work are encouraged. Submit your contribution by 30 November 2024 and be a part of shaping the future of low-carbon, climate-resilient health systems. More details are available here.
The Green Maternity Challenge
The Green Maternity Challenge organised by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in collaboration with other organisations is looking for healthcare professionals in UK maternity care to get involved. The aim is to promote environmentally sustainable practices in maternity care. Applications are open until Friday 20 September 2024. Find out more here.
International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC)
The ITRC (a partner with the UN High-Level Climate Champion Race to Resilience Campaign). The is launching an initiative to help organise, strengthen, and “commission” Transformational Resilience Coordinating Networks (TRCNs) in neighbourhoods and communities in North America and worldwide. TRCNs are wide and diverse coalitions of residents and organizations that together use a public health approach to implement strategies to help all community members remain mentally well and resilient during climate change and other adversities as they engage in solutions to the climate crisis and enhance local conditions. Join this webinar for more information or email tr@trig-cli.org
SPEED-UP ARK: Call for participants in research to co-produce solutions to reduce antibiotic overuse in hospitals
Researchers at the University of Bristol and Brighton and Sussex Medical School are looking for staff working in acute NHS hospitals to contribute as stakeholders in research to reduce antibiotic overuse in hospitals. Suitable stakeholders could be doctors, nurses, pharmacists (and potentially other professional groups) with professional roles that involve antibiotic prescribing or use and/or the use, development or deployment of electronic prescribing systems. Please read the Stakeholder Information Sheet and contact them at SPEED-up_ARK@nhs.net. Registration of interest to be a stakeholder is via the study website.
Events & Courses
17 September | Online
Launch of new website “Our Health, Our Planet”
The Doctors’ Association UK, supported by multiple other health organisations, is launching a website “Our Health, Our Planet”. It is designed for anyone who works in, or uses healthcare services in the UK, this is the ultimate guide to the relationship between climate change and human health, particularly focussing on the health effects to the UK population. Register here to join the launch event.
18 September | Online
RCPE Webinar: Healthcare and the environment
Organised by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh’s College Advisory Forum on the Environment, this webinar will bring together distinguished speakers who will shed light on the pressing issue of climate change and its far-reaching impacts on health and explore innovative strategies to mitigate healthcare’s environmental footprint. More information is available here.
19 September | Online
Fuel For Thought, from fuel poverty to climate justice
Fuel For Thought, organised by Fuel Poverty Action, is a series of monthly sessions for collective learning to tackle lies: a space to share research and lived experience, clear up confusion, and answer questions. Vested interests have shaped false narratives, spread misinformation and manipulated facts, perpetuating energy injustices and climate breakdown for decades. Further details are available here.
7 October | London
Cause and effect: how can climate change and its health impacts be addressed together?
Jointly organised by the Green Alliance and the Wellcome Trust, this event will showcase visionary policy ideas to make the UK a healthier, greener and more resilient place to live. The panel discussion will also focus on climate adaptation as a means to address physical and mental health problems and aid policymakers in building stronger, more equitable climate policies. More information and registration details are here.
10 October | Online
Building climate resilient and net zero healthcare: What’s next?
Organised by the Healthcare Without Harm Europe, this year’s European Healthcare Climate Summit will focus on the latest solutions to build climate-resilient and net zero healthcare in Europe. Register here.
12 October | UK Wide
Meet Your MP to show you care about climate and nature
The Climate Coalition is inviting thousands of people across the UK to meet with their MPs in their constituencies to show that they want to see action to tackle climate change and protect and restore nature. They are also organising two workshops to help people get involved and feel prepared and excited to talk to their MP. Further information is available here.
17 October | London & Online
International Health Lecture 2024: Climate crisis, cities and health
The Academy of Medical Sciences & The Lancet are co-organising this year’s International Health Lecture on the theme of “Climate crisis, cities and health”. The lecture will be delivered by Professor Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, a world-leading environmental, epidemiology and health impact expert from IS Global, and will be followed by a panel discussion with Dr Maria Neira, Dr Marina Romanello and Professor Niheer Dasandi. You can register to attend online or in person.
8 November | London & Online
Our health, our planet, our future: climate change and planetary health conference
This event organised by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will explore the complex interactions between climate change and health. It is an opportunity to hear from prominent and influential speakers, join discussions on priorities for climate and health at COP29 and beyond, and explore how the health and scientific communities can influence these global negotiations. More information is available here.
9 November | London & Online
Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine conference
Plant-Based Health Professionals UK is holding two one-day nutrition and lifestyle medicine conferences this year. Whether you’re a health professional, policy maker, or simply passionate about optimising your health through better eating patterns and habits, there’s something for everyone. Sessions cover hot topics such as gut health, physical activity, healthy ageing, mental health and behaviour change. More information is available here.
UNICEF: Introduction to Children’s Environmental Health
A new course by UNICEF and WHO aims to help participants increase their capacity to recognize, prevent, diagnose and manage children’s conditions related to an array of environmental threats. Registration details are here.
CPDMatch: Climate change education for the healthcare industry
CPDmatch is a not-for-profit website for healthcare professionals, employing organisations and supplier industries to find the educational resources required to deliver net zero sustainable healthcare and become confident in communicating and inspiring others to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. More information is available here.
New resources
Report: The impact of climate change on child health around the world – Results of a survey of child health professionals outside the UK
A new report by the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health shares insights from child health professionals in 50 countries on the rising threats to children’s well-being and the role of healthcare professionals. Access the report here.
Articles, podcasts and videos
We’ve pulled together a list of recent articles, podcasts and videos worth reading, watching, listening and sharing.
– This article by Elaine Mulcahy outlines why plans made on climate and health must include nature.
– Read this article highlighting why action needs to be taken on wood burners from a health perspective.
– This blog piece explains why sustainability in maternity care is so important.
– This news piece describes how the summer of 2024 has been the hottest on record.
– Children living in London’s ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) were nearly four times as likely to switch to walking and cycling, says new research.
– Read the ways local approaches can keep people safe from extreme heat.
– Who is legally responsible for climate harms? Read here how the top courts will now decide.
– Here are four stories of impact from clean air changemakers.
– Watch this Ted Talk by Johan Rockström’s “Tipping Points of Climate Change and Where We Stand.”
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If you’ve got information about resources, campaigns, or events you would like to be included in the next edition, please send them to anandita.pattnaik@ukhealthalliance.org. The next bulletin will be published on 18 October 2024