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18th January 2024

Write to your MP and ask them to speak out against the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill

We’ve created an email template that makes it easy for you to ask your MP to vote against new oil and gas licences. Act now, before the debate on 22 January

On Monday 22 January, MPs will debate the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill. It is important we call on as many MPs as possible to join this debate and vote against this legislation, which would require the UK regulator to hold annual licensing rounds for new oil and gas projects.

Greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are the primary driver of climate change and we are already seeing the significant health costs this has at every stage of life, from increasing risk of pregnancy complications, more children suffering respiratory conditions, more people over the age of 65 suffering strokes, and causing people to die too soon.

United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres has called for an urgent transition to renewable energy. In a statement directed to G20 leaders, he said, “You cannot claim to be green while your plans and projects undermine the 2050 net zero target and ignore the major emissions cuts that must occur this decade.”

Any new oil and gas projects undermine this net zero target and weaken the UK’s leadership on climate change just when true commitment cannot be delayed. The Bill has been called unnecessary by the regulator and has resulted in a backlash across the political spectrum. Instead, we should be investing in improving homes, a move that will improve health, help with the cost of living crisis, and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Please write to your MP and ask them to attend the debate on Monday 22 January and speak out against new oil and gas, and protect health.