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Education for sustainable healthcare

12.00-13.30 15 February 2023: In Conversation Lunchtime Sessions

The Medical Schools Council has published a curriculum for the UK on Education for Sustainable Healthcare. In this lunchtime session, we discussed the challenges and opportunities for ensuring the new curriculum becomes a standard component of medical education, and how it can be adapted and expanded to other areas of practice and postgraduate training.


Education for Sustainable Healthcare: Perspectives and importance of the new curriculum

Dame Parveen Kumar, Ambassador, UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, Co-founder and editor, Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine

Embedding the new curriculum into medical education

Dr SanYuMay Tun, Lead for Education for Sustainable Healthcare, University of Oxford.

Adapting the ESH curriculum for postgraduate training
and other areas of professional practice

Professor Aine Burns, Vice President Education and Training, Royal College of Physicians