In 2023, our membership grew by 31% reaching 46 organisations representing health professionals who are now members of our Alliance. The total membership of our members passed the 1 million mark in January 2023, reaching almost 1,050,000 by the end of the year.
In March, we published Our Commitments – ten actions for health organisations to take to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.
In April, we became an independent charity.
In May, we established our climate and health spokesperson network.
And in October, we partnered with the BMJ to deliver the first Net Zero Clinical Care conference to over 2000 people.
Throughout the year, we worked with organisations and alliances across health, climate and nature to call for action to protect health and the environment.
We published:
- Biodiversity, Climate Change and Health policy report
- Green Surgery report
- Lancet Countdown UK policy brief
- An editorial calling for the climate and nature crisis to be recognised as one indivisible global public health emergency