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16th September 2022

Nine things you can do for your health and the planet

A series of recommendations for boosting health and combatting climate change

UK climate and health experts have come together to launch a series of recommendations for boosting human health in tandem with combatting climate change, following a major UN Report highlighting the dire risk to human mental and physical health because of global warming – and the devastation to nature and biodiversity that it brings.

Experts at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London collaborated with the Institute of Global Health InnovationImperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change on the 9 key tips for improving your own health and that of the planet, issues that are tightly intertwined.

The 9 tips for aiding human health in conjunction with planetary health, published as an online featureanimation and leaflet include:

Graphics and animations created by Fat Panda.